Monday, November 2, 2009

The Silent Halo

The new moon of no importance
Lingers behind in the sky's ending dance.
While the earth smokes a smoky blue
This time the moon's up and for full view.

Through the light of my window to see its blushes,
Brings the fragrance of bliss and joy to my senses.
This way and that way she peeks and she sees,
Many silver fruits upon the many silver trees.

For tonight the moon is undressed,
Like a beautiful woman in her seducing idleness.
Her knowing hands they love to caress,
In its own whim, the curvature of her dainty breasts.

Her hair will be mist scented and her jade white,
With her arms chilled in her clear light.
When the mood is ripe and on occasion,
She lets her passionate scent, fall from her bosom.

The moon, standing tall and standing mellow,
To everyone it shall stay, forever the silent halo.