Monday, February 2, 2009

Logic vs Instinct

I found out that the toughest thing for me to do is to really trust my instinct, and go with that instinct.

For instance -

One fine evening, after our jam session got over, I just felt like having an ice candy. I was just tired and a lil bit hungry. I took out my month's last 5 rupees from the pocket and handed it over to the guy at the shop and sat in the car all ready to go home. It was a nice ice candy. It was an orange ice candy.
Now, I am a very careful and good driver. I always obey the traffic rules and signals, I keep within the speed limit, and I let old grannies cross the road in peace. Although occasionally, I do decide to have a good race with a passing bullock cart. Blame it on the raging hormones.

Anyway, this evening seemed particulary different.

One. I seemed to get distracted by a lot of things, flashy signboards being one of those. I had "almost accidents" like a billion times on my way home.

And two. They were playing all my favourite songs on the radio.

At a distance, I could see the green light turn into amber. I knew, there was no way I was going to make it across the signal on time. So I just put my car on neutral and left the rest of it to momentum. As my car finally came to a halt, a girl on her scooter stopped right next to me but a little ahead of my seat, such that I couldn't see her face. It was dark and half the street lights were out. As far as I could make out, she was wearing a black top and blue jeans and her scooter was black in colour.
Now the funny thing is, my friend happened to be wearing the exact same thing that very same day. And she too had a black scooter! Why she even had the same length of hair, and her physique was really the same as this girl!! And even the initial two letters of the number plate were infact...did you guess it right? - the same!!

Now every bit of my instinct told me that she could NOT be the same friend.
But my great mind, seeing all the co-incidences, simply decides to logically deny the fact that there CAN be so many similarities and co-incidences, and instead, decides to give the "friend" a playful hit on the back, accompanied by the loudest "wassup??!!" ever said by me!!

What happened anyone's guess.

I got the weirdest and the most intimidating look of my life. And that too coming from a girl who due to no fault of mine, seemed to resemble my friend a lot! It was so embarassing, I felt like squeezing myself with a lemon sqeezer and just slipping down the seat to hide my face. Dont ask me why lemon sqeezers.

I had to literally beg for her to forgive me! Somehow, I was able to convince her with my part of the story. And since the light was just a few seconds away from turning green, she decided to NOT go to the police station and file a complaint against me for trying to sexually harass her by tapping her on the back and instead, thankfully just took off!

Here's what a conversation between my instinct and my brain would have sounded like...

BRAIN: Do you think thats my friend?
INSTINCT: No. I really dont think thats her.
BRAIN: But look at the number of co-incidences. Chubby girl. Black top. Blue jeans. Black scooter. Same number plate even! I mean what are the chances?
INSTINCT: Look! There can be so many co-incidences. Somehow I feel its not her.
BRAIN: Shut up! You are just confused! That IS her!
INSTINCT: Im telling you its not her!
BRAIN: Instinct! Shut the fork up and sit quitely!
INSTINCT: But but...
BRAIN: I am far superior to you! I have logic and you dont! So shut up!!!
INSTINCT: But but...
BRAIN: Here...I'll prove it to you that she is my friend! I'll just tap her on the back and...
INSTINCT: Nooooooooo.....!!!
BRAIN: ____________________________

(Brain just had a brainfreeze. I think it was the ice candy.)

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