Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Letter For A Difficult Friend

Dearest friend,

I know our relationship has been difficult and we haven't really spoken in a long time, but it's recently become clear that we'll be seeing a lot of each other in the next few months. The issues we've faced in the past are going to resurface and we really, really need to work this out now before it's too late.

I'll admit I've said some terrible things about you in the past. I apologize. You think of me as an unintelligent person for not understanding you, even after years of trying. That's not true. You're difficult, you know? I know I've given up on you in the past and even broke your trust by cheating, but never again. I'm not going to give up on you this time. I'm determined to understand. I'm determined to keep trying.

That said, I hope things are easier this time around. I hope everything sinks in easier. I promise to keep trying despite how difficult you are. And you really are. Don't deny it and I'll try to keep my "hate" claims under wraps this semester.

Maths, I do want to be your friend. Really. Just help me understand you. Please.



Wormy said...

ROFL... reallly that was awesome!

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Very candid! And on a ligher note -Women r difficult, rather impossible! :) i.e., assuming that U wrote it for a lady! ;)

And - superb picture in the header!

Jeet said...

@ Shweta

Thanks! Glad you liked it!

Jeet said...

@ Rakesh

Haha! I believe you!
And thanks for the pic comment :)

jemma said...

LOL! cool chhE :D

Jeet said...

hey Jemma!
Thanks for the visit!
Cheers! :)